


Chinoiserie, a revered style in 18th-century furniture decoration, conjures up the delicate motifs and intricate techniques of China. Stemming from “Chinois,” the French term for Chinese, this art form embodies the Western embrace of Asian design, mirroring an intense admiration for its aesthetic finesse and rich artistic heritage. The quintessential themes of Chinoiserie unfold in tranquil portrayals of everyday life, serene mountain vistas, peaceful lakesides, elegant pagodas, and exquisitely illustrated birds and animals.

At SALDA, our skillful craftsmen have reinterpreted Chinoiserie, melting it with Italian artistry. This blend transforms traditional decorations through various techniques ranging from gold leaf painting to reversed painted glass and ceramic tops. Each technique enhances the distinctive characteristics of Chinoiserie while infusing it with a unique Italian touch.

The beauty of handmade lies in its magnificent imperfections. Each design from SALDA’s Chinoiserie collection is slightly different, yet similar in essence, ensuring no two pieces are exactly alike, yet each resonates with the timeless spirit of the original art form. Owning such pieces is not about embracing a legacy to pass down through generations, offering a tangible connection to both art and history.

Explore a range of customizable products that bring this ancient art into the modern day, allowing you to own a piece of history reimagined through Italian craftsmanship. Experience the blend of tradition and innovation, and let your home tell a story of cultural harmony.


This is a tale.

A tale of style integration, where each piece of furniture can attune to any setting, not by fading into it but by becoming its highlight.

SALDA transforms the act of furnishing into a personal statement of identity. 

Every SALDA piece doesn’t just occupy space: it redefines it. A SALDA piece can shift the narrative of an entire room, introducing elegance and flair.

Fusion of styles, in the SALDA lexicon, is an act of bold distinction.

It’s about creating a harmony that resonates, a blend that accentuates rather than camouflages. Our vision goes beyond the physicality of furniture: each piece becomes a living entity that infuses every room with soul and story.


It’s an invitation to craft your own space narrative, to etch your story within your home.

Meet Salda at Salone del Mobile Hall 13 – Stand G03

Artisan intelligence is a matter of hands: hands that craft, creating new worlds starting from ancient suggestions, handed down over time.

Here we are, in the heart of Brianza, a land where you can breathe the art of woodworking and discover the creation of furniture capable of lasting for generations. Here the artisans learned their art from parents, grandparents or from the entire community, observing the gestures and respecting the effort behind every detail.

Do you think words are enough to tell a centuries-long story of precious gestures, repeated and handed down from artisan to artisan?
The answer is: no. Sometimes, words are not enough.

The story we want to tell you starts from a pencil mark on paper.
For this is how our furniture is born: from an idea transmitted on a sheet of paper, and then on wood and precious materials through manual skills.

The hand is the center of everything: it is the hands that draw, carve the wood, choose the fabrics, paint and create the finishes on our furniture.
Hands carving wood, laying down gold leaf, drawing, painting, shaping and cutting, hands repeating gestures that are always similar, but create unique and different results.
From the hands literally flows the story of Salda: from photograph to photograph, from drawing to drawing.

It is the hands that craft memories: that is why they are the main characters in this video we made for you.

Enjoy it.

How different perspectives can change a single piece of furniture

Each choice leads to different roads, different moods, totally different journeys.
By choosing among the SALDA finishes and fabrics, we have made the same piece of furniture live three parallel and different lives. 
See how a finish can make a piece of furniture more classic or contemporary.

We were inspired by our heritage to give the piece of furniture a totally new look: a dip into the archive and a remnant of precious fabric was enough to do the magic.

Transforming the same cabinet into a classic piece or a contemporary piece requires great skill, but above all faithfulness to the original design. 

Look how a different fabric and a different treatment can switch the mood: diversity must be exalted, not hidden.

Among the rainforests and mysterious lands of Borneo springs the Makassar, a fine black ebony with brown streaks: the quintessence of nature and beauty.

And it is precisely Makassar that stars in the elliptical table and console signed by SALDA artisans: pieces inspired by the 1950s and shaped by hand with infinite skill.

Complex shapes are a challenge our craftsmen are not afraid of: the columnar stand is the distinguishing mark of these pieces and it is covered with liquid bronze lacquer.

It takes more than a month and the work of several professionals – carvers, cabinet makers, lacquer workers, vanishers – to create a unique piece. The latest jewel of Salda’s cabinet making, the ultimate in luxury.

Customize your piece: console, elliptical table, round table, table with twin pillars. The choice is yours.

In recent times we hear a lot of talk about AI, artificial intelligence. We are sure that technology can make humanity grow in medicine, science and many areas.

But what about art? And what about the craftsmanship, the details?

In a time when man increasingly turns to technology for all kinds of activities, creative activities included, SALDA wants to rediscover what is most surprising, contemporary and ingenious: the ancient wisdom of craftsmanship.

This is the world of SALDA AI, that doesn’t stand for Artificial Intelligence but Artisanal Intelligence. A world made of ancient gestures repeated for centuries, handed down, reinterpreted and made modern but always faithful to their mission: the creation of unique, personal, unmistakable furniture.

We want to bring at Index Dubai 2023 the vision we spread at Salone del Mobile Milano: we want to share and celebrate with you the authenticity of imperfection, but also the power of perfection: the human gesture, in fact, is also capable of creating flawless pieces.

For us, it is really a huge privilege to bring you the ideas we shared during the Salone del Mobile Milano and to rediscover, together, the intelligence hidden in the hand gesture.

We can’t wait to see you in Dubai!

In recent times we hear a lot of talk about AI, artificial intelligence. We are not surprised by this, and we are sure, after all, that technology can take us by leaps and bounds in so many areas, medicine and science foremost among them.

But what about art? The craftsmanship? The pursuit of detail?

At SALDA we have been wondering about the role of machines for a long time: the result is a Manifesto, which we will bring to the Salone del Mobile in Milan.

“We invest in human talent, not in the speed of machines.”

In a time when man increasingly turns to technology for all kinds of activities, creative activities included, SALDA wants to rediscover what is most surprising, contemporary and ingenious: the ancient wisdom of craftsmanship.

This is the world of AI, that doesn’t stand for Artificial Intelligence but Artisanal Intelligence. A world made of ancient gestures repeated for centuries, handed down, reinterpreted and made modern but always faithful to their mission: the creation of unique, personal, unmistakable furniture.

At Salone del Mobile Milano we will celebrate the authenticity of imperfection, but also the power of perfection: the human gesture, in fact, is also capable of creating flawless pieces.

Ready to join our new Humanism?

Meet Salda at Salone del Mobile Milano
Hall 01 Stand G03