Some call it the Winter Garden, some call it conservatory, or Orangerie or lemon house. The fact remains that the Jardin d’Hiver, with its large windows and its subtle and delicate structures, is a constant inspiration of style.

We may not be able to transform our Orangerie into a work of art overflowing with water lilies, like Claude Monet did in Paris, but we can steal inspiration directly from Italian and French villas and bring a touch of joie de vivre to our suspended space between outside and inside, between winter cold and the warmth of scented citrus fruits.

We can, for example, furnish our bright space with a precious console, or recreate a corner with armchairs where we can enjoy leaf tea. Leafing through the works of Virginia Woolf or, why not, delighting us with a tray of cream pastries.

Soft colors and airy fabrics complete the scene. Perhaps you hear birds singing?